Historical Review
The beginning was in 1886 when the engineering school was founded with two
departments: Irrigation and Architectural Engineering. The study consisted of
five years starting with a preparatory year to study mathematics, physics,
mechanics and descriptive geometry. Although this system was canceled in 1892,
its right idea reappeared thirty five years later. In 1927, the Royal
Engineering School included four engineering departments. However, in 1930 a
fifth department for basic sciences was added. Three laboratories for general
physics, electronic physics and acoustics were built when the school joined the
Egyptian University in 1935, and the school name changed to the Faculty of
Engineering. The task of teaching basic sciences to engineering students was
assigned to two departments Preparatory and Physics. During the early fifties,
the two departments were united to form the Department of Mathematical and
Physical Sciences. During the early sixties, the departmental staff members
were asked to be doubly qualified with a bachelor degree of science (Mathematics
or Physics) in addition to a Bachelor degree of engineering together with the
Ph.D. degree. This double qualification of faculty members contributed to
expanding the mission of the department to include graduate studies. The
graduate program was developed steadily during the seventies and Master degrees
were awarded. The name of the department was changed in 1978 to suit its
aspiration to be a bridge between applied engineering and basic sciences. The
new name is the “Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics.”
Growth continued during the eighties and nineties with the requirement of
obtaining a B. Sc. in Mathematics or Physics which was replaced by the
requirement of taking ten qualifying courses in engineering mathematics or
engineering physics taught by the staff of the Department. Ph.D. degrees in
engineering mathematics, engineering physics and engineering mechanics have been
awarded since 1985.